Invirtu Live Experiences

Watch Parties That Benefit The Filmmaker

When many platforms host watch parties for films, they offer no credit, monetization or benefit to the filmmaker. We created a solution that puts the filmmaker back in control.

How The Process Works For You

Host your own watch parties that align with your films objectives.

Build relationships with your fans.

Access Our Cinematic Distribution Network

Earn revenue through advertising diplayed

High quality films can charge ticket sales

Engage With Your Audience

Use watch parties to engage with your audience online.

  • Generate and Build Awareness
  • Livestream Q&A With Your Audience
  • Get Feedback On Your Films
  • Cast Can Have A Virtual Panel Discussion

Pricing - We're Really Affordable

$10 Per Screening

A screening can be a single film or multiple films, aka a block. Blocks, no matter the number of films, are $10.

$1 Surcharge If You're Selling Tickets

Price your tickets at whatever price you like, we only add a $1 surcharge + credit card processing fees. If tickets are free, no surcharge or fees are added.

No Up Front Fees

Come onboard, no upfront frees for signing up or uploading films.

Additional Features

Feature Included
Geo-Blocking/Restricting Access To Film Based On Location
Direct Deposit
Transparent Revenue Tracking
Panel Discussion Management
Attendee Text Chat
Built-in Zoom Like Conferencing
Automated Livestream Start Times
Video On Demand Playback
DRM Technology
Marketing Pages For Each Film
Affiliate System For Marketing
Film Block Creation & Management
Sponsorship Management
Sell Merchandise

Earnings Calculator

Think you can draw an audience? At Invirtu our virtual premieres are priced per screening. See what you can earn below.

Note: The $1 surcharge is omitted because the attendes pays it, not you.

Estimated Ticket Revenue ${{data.ticket_revenue}}
Total Screening Costs ${{data.costs}}
Your Total Profit ${{data.profit}}

Watch Party Application Form

Tell Us Who You Are

Your Production/Studio Info

Describe The Media You Want To Promote